Sidewinder’s Get-Together
The calendar says “Spring” but the weather wasn’t too spring-like on the night of our get together! Nevertheless, about twenty five brave souls, members and guests, gathered for a fun evening of pizza and friends. Our Vice President, Greg Wallace made it a family evening by bringing his brother Brian and nephews Driver (a great name for a Porsche enthusiast!) and Payton. This was a strictly social event; we didn’t have any business or make any announcements. It was great fun just to have time to talk to old friends and make some new ones.
One of our newest members, Joe Spiegel made the evening livelier by bringing a new drink for members to try. It is called Brennivin and is from Iceland. It is a caraway flavored schnapps. Those who tasted it were very positive about it. It will available in Jackson soon, as our area has been chosen as a launch market. Thanks Joe for sharing with our members!
As spring and summer are truly coming fast, we have lots of activities to look forward to: next up will be a visit to Lava Hot Springs. Don’t forget to bring a bathing suit! This will be on May 4th, meeting at the Stage Coach Bar in Wilson and will be a “no charge” event, but you will want to bring a lunch. Contact Scot if you can make it: 307-734-6006 or by email [email protected]
Don’t forget our annual Rendezvous Dinner at Teton Pines Country Club on May 31st. You will never know how much fun we have together unless you come and join us!!
Pat Siegel